Guiding the Lithgow Community

Support 1

Guide Item Details

Ability Links
Mob: 0475 812 350
Hours: 9am-4:30pm Monday-Friday
Contact: Caroline Poulter
Ability Links NSW (ALNSW) is a free program that supports people with disability aged 9 to 64, their families and carers. The program is designed to help people plan for their future by building on their strengths and skills to lead the life they want as valued members of their community.
Linkers work closely with participants to discuss what their goals are and map out the best strategy to achieve them. Whether the goal is to participate in sport, education, volunteering, or expand their networks, with ALNSW people remain at the centre of decision making. Linkers work alongside community organisations and businesses to help them build community capacity and to become more welcoming and inclusive.

Aging and Disability Abuse Helpline
Tel: 1800 628 221
Find us on Facebook

Arthritis NSW
Tel: 1800 011 041
Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Arthritis NSW (ANSW) is a charitable and membership-based organisation that seeks to improve the quality of life for the 1 in 4 Australians affected by arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. The organisation works to empower the individual to manage their own condition and health towards achieving their personal meaning of ANSW’s vision Freedom from Arthritis.
The organisation is a trusted source of evidence-based and up-to-date information on arthritis and its treatment, with education programs delivered across a number of platforms such as workshops, webinars and community awareness sessions. The Health Services team develops and delivers exercise programs tailored to the needs of people affected by arthritis, such as the popular Warm Water Exercise Classes. Each year, the organisation delivers two camps for children affected by juvenile arthritis: Camp Twinkletoes for children under 8 years old and their families, and Camp Footloose for children and young people aged 9 to 18 years.
ANSW engages with the community through a value-driven membership program, a network of support groups across NSW, publications such as Arthritis Matters, eNewsletter subscriptions, social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, and a toll-free Arthritis Infoline which connects callers with health professionals.
As a charitable organization, ANSW recognizes the contribution of its donors, sponsors, members and other supporters that enable the development and delivery of its programs

Carers NSW
Tel: 9280 4744
Carer Line: 1800 242 636
Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
For Carer Gateway services including carer support planning, counselling, peer support, carer directed support packages and respite services, including emergency respite
Find us on Facebook @carersnewsouthwales
Find us on Twitter @CarersNSW

Dementia Australia NSW
Tel: 1800 100 500
Providing advocacy, support services, education and information for people with dementia and their families and carers.
Find us on Facebook

Gorrie Ban (Caring for the Elderly)
Fatima Hall, Great Western Highway
Tel: 6352 1466
Mob: 0408 254 144
Contact: Christine Knott
Hours: Mondays only after 12.00 noon

Leep NGO
PO Box 63 Emu Plains 2750
Tel: 1300 163 106
Contact: All Leep Staff handle enquiries
Office Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
Leep is a full remote organization
Leep helps build digital inclusion in communities experiencing disadvantage. Leep will connect teams with a patient and highly skilled volunteer Tech Mate who will support you in your digital learning journey. This a free program

LINC CHSP (Commonwealth Home Support Program)
1 Padley Street, Lithgow 2790
Tel: 6352 2077 for general enquires
Fax: 6353 1826
Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

  • CHSP (Commonwealth Home Support Program): For people who are frail and aged over 65. You can also receive services form CHSP at 55 years of age if you are aboriginal. LINC CHSP services can help people to remain independent in their own homes.
  • CHSP Food Service: Hot meals home delivered on weekdays with frozen meals for weekends or to have on hand for your convenience.
  • CHSP Community Lunches: Outings for small groups of eligible people who may find it difficult to get out to socialise. Transport provided. Skilled staff members assist older people to enjoy outings to local cafes & restaurants.
  • Home Modification: Modifications can be made to assist with safety in the home. Assistance includes grabrails, handrails, ramps, bathroom alterations, handheld showers.
  • Home Maintenance: Small handyman jobs such as minor repairs eg cupboard & door locks, mowing and weeding.
  • LINC cafĂ© Flo’s Kitchen A daytime activity for older people. Held in the LINC hall at 1 Padley Street, Lithgow, three Tuesdays each month. Refreshments and companionship with occasional special events. Suitable for carers to bring a family member or friend. Donation for a cuppa and a snack. Level access and disability accessible facilities. To enquire, leave a message with name and phone number on 6354 5914 or 6354 5909 and someone will return your call.
  • Social Support:  Practical and social support can include shopping assistance, companionship, assistance to attend appointments.
  • Aged Day Centre Doreen’s Place Recreation and social activities for older people who are frail or have memory loss. A safe and suitable environment with level access. Offers a break for carers. A fee is charged for the service. Funded by the Dept of Health & Ageing.
  • Telephone Companion: Weekly telephone call for people who are isolated or lonely.
  • Overnight Dementia Care: Overnight care in a homely environment for people who have memory loss.

LithGrow Community Garden
Cnr. Hoskins Avenue & Roy Streets, Lithgow 2790
PCYC Lithgow
Tel: 0419 469 230
Community produce garden and social meeting place for all members of the community.  Disability access available.
Find us on Facebook@policecitizensyouthclublithgow

LiveBetter Community Services
1 Ordnance Avenue Lithgow NSW 2790
Tel: 1800 580 580

v Support Coordination
v Commonwealth Carer Respite Centre
v Employed Carers
v Mental Health Respite
v Young Carers

v Home Modifications
v Community Transport

Portland Community Morning Tea
Mary O’Leary Centre
43 Willewa St Portland
Tel: 0477 727 114
Contact: Pat
Morning tea 10.30am 1st Tuesday of the month

My Aged Care
Tel: 1800 200 422
Hours Monday-Friday 8am-8pm; Saturday 10am-2pm
Australian Government website for all information about aged care.

Nanna’s Touch
131 Chifley Road, Lithgow 2790
Mobile: 0409 765 601
Contact Sue Murdock
Hours: 10am – 2pm Monday to Friday
Meeting Times: 10am – 2pm Tuesday – Sewing; 10am – 2pm Thursday – Community Connections
Find us on Facebook: Lithgow Nanna’s Touch ASD @nannastouch.autismsupport
Help for anyone within the community needing a social connection, guidance, and assistance, providing support network connections, creative crafts, sewing, and more, in an all-inclusive environment.

Fees and bookings apply

National Disability Coordination Officer
Mobile: 0458 489 597
Hours: 8.00am to 4pm Monday to Friday
Contact: Audrey Housbey
Find us on Facebook @NDCOwesternnsw

94-98 Main St, Lithgow 2790
Tel: 6351 4887
Office hours: 9am -5pm Monday to Friday
An NDIS Registered Provider for all your support needs including, Support Coordination, Plan Management, Respite, Independent Living Skills, Community Access, Employment Skills and Youth Programs. Also a provider of support for older people.

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