Guiding the Lithgow Community

Emergency Services

Guide Item Details

Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline 1800 628 221

Al-Anon Family Groups 1300 252 666

Alcohol and Drug Information Service 1800 250 015

Ambulance, Fire, Police 000

beyondblue Support Service 1300 224 636

Bravehearts Child Protection 1800 272 831

Cancer Council NSW Helpline 13 11 20
Carers NSW for information, support & counselling (02) 9280 4744 b/h
Carers NSW Carer Gateway for respite 1800 472 737 b/h
Child Abuse Prevention Service 132 111

Child Protection Helpline 132 111 to report child abuse and neglect

Child Support 131 272

Crimestoppers 1800 333 000 – 24/7
Disaster Welfare Service 1800 018 444
Domestic Violence Line 1800 626 463

Family Relationships Advice Line 1800 050 321

healthdirect Australia 1800 022 222 – 24/7

Kids’ Helpline 1800 55 1800 – 24/7
Legal Aid NSW 1300 888 529
Lifeline Central West Counselling Service 1300 798 258
Link2home Homelessness 1800 152 152
Lithgow Community Projects Inc. 1800 664 996 or 6351 2230

Lithgow & District Rescue Squad 1800 872 777; 6351 4621; emergencies Lithgow Police 6352 8399 or 000.

MensLine Australia 1300 789 978 – 24/7

Mental Health Advocacy Service 9745 4277

Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 – 24/7
NSW Rape Crisis Centre 1800 424 017 – 24/7
NSW Victims Access Line 1800 633 063 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday

Parentline NSW 1300 1300 52

Poison Information Centre 13 11 26 – 24/7

Police Assistance Line NSW131 444 – 24/7.  For Non-life threatening calls only.

Police Stations

Capertee:  6359 0101

Lithgow:  6352 8399

Portland:  6355 5200

Wallerawang:  6355 1303

Prisoners’ Legal Service 8688 3888

Red Nose (Formally SIDS and KIDS) 1300 308 307. 24 hour bereavement support Line

Resilience NSW 02 9212 9200 Bushfire recovery assistance

St Vincent De Paul – Lithgow 6351 3774

St Vincent de Paul – Kandos 6379 4555

St Vincent de Paul – Portland 6355 5077

State Emergency Service 132 500

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) 1800 131 450

Veterans Advocacy Service 1800 838 372

Youth HotLine 1800 10 18 10

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